As a phishing manager you will be able to update and create C-Suite Setting by following the below:

On the left side of your Dashboard, Navigate as follows: Phishing Manager > C-Suite Settings

Updating predefined C-Suite Settings

To update the C-Suite settings populated by the system follow the below:

    1. Using the search bar enter the title you want to update (E.g. CEO, CTO, CSO)2.    Click the Edit button under the Actions column

3. You will be brought to an edit screen where you can now update the first and second name.  

4.     Once you have entered in the required names, click 'Save Setting'

Creating your own C-Suite Setting

1.     On your C-Suite Settings screen click Create Setting

2.     You will be brought to the creation form, where you must populate all text boxes

3.     Once you have verified the correct information is input click Save Setting