- Logon to your Office 365 Security Admin Center portal.
- From the Microsoft Defender page, click on Policies & rules, then Threat policies, and finally click Anti-Phishing.
- Click on the Office 365 AntiPhish Default (Default) Rule.
- On the following screen, click on Edit Protection Settings.
- Click on Manage 0 trusted sender(s) and domain(s)
Note: There may be previously added senders or domains for your organisation, which would mean that the above link would not show a zero (0) value.
Here you can add trusted / known email addresses and domains.
This will allow you to override the anti-phishing policy for added domains only.
- On the screen that follows the Sender tab will initially be highlighted. Ignore that and click on the Domain tab.
- Click the plus icon and then add each of the following domains listed below:
- e-messsage.com
- emesssages.com
- e-citrix.com
- ecompliants.com
- e-compliants.com
- e-faax.com
- eonline-shopping.com
- e-outlook-online.com
- e-owa.com
- evpnn.com
- e-vpnn.com
- orders-processed.com
- storage-limit.com
- docusine.com
- barclaysbanksonline.co.uk
- docs-google.com
- it-admingroup.com
- it-companyadmin.com
- it-securegroup.com
- it-securemail.com
- bitliy.co
- order-processed.com
- Click the plus icon, and enter the name of each domain one by one. As you enter the domains, they should appear as a clickable item once they’re valid.
Do not select the Add Domains button until all the domains are added.
- When all the domains have been added, click the Add domains button.
You will see a list of domains. Please ensure that you've added all the domains correctly. - Click the Done button.
- Finally, click Save.