Trustwave Trust-listing

Whitelisting is an important facility for the successful implementation and usage of the SafeTitan Platform. All clients of the SafeTitan platform MUST whitelist our mail server to allow the successful delivery of Mock Phishing and Training emails. This is a requirement for all mail service providers.

Whitelisting in Trustwave is achieved through manually creating an Allow List user group, for SafeTitan domains, and how to use that group within a rule.

Applying the following rule should allow SafeTitan’s simulated phishing emails to arrive in the target inboxes. Emails containing attachments should also be catered for based on these policies.


To manually create a User Group use the following steps

  1. In the Configurator or MailMarshal (SEG) 10 Management Console, expand Policy Elements | User Groups and click Add or New User Group.  
  2. Create a MailMarshal user group.
  3. Type a Name (e.g., SafeTitan Whitelisting) for the user group and optional description. Complete the user group creation.
  4. Navigate to the new User Group and click Add or Insert Users.
  5. Enter the domain name you wish to include in the User Group. Click Add or Save.
    Note: Ensure the entry does not include any spaces or other excess characters, particularly if pasting.


  1. Continue the process until all the domain names or email addresses you want to include have been entered.
  2. The Allow List has now been created. New users or domain names can be added to the user group in the future, by editing the group and repeating the steps.

To create a new rule using the manually created Allow List created above, use the following steps.

  1. In Email Policy, navigate to the Policy Group where you wish to place the new rule, and select Add or New Rule.
  2. On the User Matching Conditions window, ensure the rule applies to Incoming messages.
  3. To use the Allow List within the rule, select Where Addressed From.
  4. Then click on the hyperlink 'people' or 'group'.
  5. The User Matching Condition window is now available. Select the group from the User Groups pane and click the double arrow or drag it to add it to the Matching email addresses and user groups pane. Click Save or OK.
  6. Now the Rule description will show Where addressed from (your allow list group name.
  7. Complete the required actions (such as passing the message to the next Policy Group) and save the rule. 

        8. The rule that has just been created will allow any email addresses contained in the allow list to bypass the other rules contained within the Policy group, and be passed to the next Policy Group.