Before installing Orchestrator, you must configure several settings in the Orchestration Manager.

  1. Go to your Safetitan portal, and select Real-Time Integrations > Orchestrator Settings.

  2. Select the Edit icon beside the Orchestrator you want to edit. The Edit Orchestrator window will appear, which will have several pre-populated fields. Note that pre-populated properties do not need to be changed in a standard installation.

  3. The properties listed below are required at this stage of the installation:

    • Name: Enter the label you wish to give the Orchestrator. This can be a useful identifier in a multi-orchestrator setup.

    • Runtime ID: This is pre-populated and is used to determine which build of the Orchestrator is required. It does not need to be changed unless running on a server other than 64bit Windows.

    • Local Storage Location: Select a folder on the Server where updates that are downloaded can be temporarily stored. The Orchestration Manager does not retain files in this folder after use.

    • Orchestrator Site Location: This should be the full path to (and including the folder) where the Orchestrator is to be installed. This should match the folder used for the site in IIS.

    • Event Grid endpoint: This is a pre-populated field containing the endpoint used by the Orchestrator to forward events to the SafeTitan cloud platform.

    • Event Grid Shared Access Signature: This is a pre-populated field that is used to authenticate connections to the Event Grid endpoint.

    • Version: This is a read-only field used to indicate the version of the Orchestrator that is running.

  4. Select Save.